Day 3: Group members present were; Thegla Savvides, Natalie Michael, Elena Christodoulou & Natalie Nicolaides.
By the end of the day we aimed to finish off the shots for the trailer.
We started off by filming the ways in which the character finds the notes. The first was through the post. We shot the post coming through the letter box and the actress picking it up and taking it away. We took many shots for this scene so we could pick from a variety during editing. One of the favoured shots included the shot from behind a plant pot. The scene starts with the leaves in focus and the door/post box unfocused. It then faded focus from the leaves to the post box as the letters and note comes through. We ten shot numerous clips of the note on the floor in and out of focus to show that the note has been acknowledged.
The next shot was finding the note in the folder. This shot included props such as a fruit bowl, a laptop, pens and paper. The Mise-en-Scene enabled the scene to look casual and realistic.
The 3rd consisted of me walking up the path with shopping bags, looking for my keys to open the door and finding another note in my pocket, I look around in suspicion and finally entering the house. This shows that the actress was not aware that she had the note previous to leaving the house, adding to the mystery. We also took around 10 different shots of each part of this scene, including the walking up the path, the bags swinging over the camera, a tracking shot, and also a close-up of me taking the note out of my pocket.
The 4th was found inside my shopping bag with the top I just bought, it falls out the top when I get it out of my bag, but on one occasion the note falls to the floor. This was shot many times due to the note falling at different angles and positions, it was unpredictable where it would land so our camera-man had to be on guard.
The final note is received via text message while my character is watching television. This gave us difficulties because we aimed to capture the sound and vibration of the phone. This was hard because the microphone could only get so close without getting in view. We also had to play the television in the background but without interfering with the sound of the phone. We hid the microphone on the sofa behind a pillow but still pointing towards the phone. Also the sending of the message was difficult. The time during sending was unpredictable and could take from 3-10 seconds to send. This was a difficult scene and was not used during editing for reasons already mentioned, but also because of the length of our trailer.
The last scene we filmed was the finale of our trailer, the dead body. We went to an alleyway and Natalie M lay on the floor in mud and dirt to show that she had been thrown in a ditch. We experimented with many different shots including; long shots, panning shots, and close-ups. The darkness surrounding the alley and the sound of birds, twigs breaking, and other natural sounds added a tense and awkward atmosphere.
This whole process took 5 hours. This was a very successful day, much planning and consideration was used and it helped us finish our filming quickly and efficiently. Many different shots and effects were used for each scene and editing this should be a great experience with a wide variety of material to chose from.

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