The title was made on Final Cut Pro. The font, 'Neon' was downloaded under Video Generator effects. When in play, the title is 3D and spins on it's axis.
The title 'I.V' itself was chosen because of it's meaning, which is displayed in our trailer title, independent variable. An independent variable is a thing or object that is changed or manipulated over time. We chose this because it relates to our soap because over time the characters will change or be changed by things such as surroundings, life events ect.
The font gives the sense of drama and the unknown. Because it is a continuous line, it moves to form the title so it shows the audience that the soap has continuity and will not skip a story from one day to another. It also shows the soap itself will be long and continuous.
The title 'I.V' itself was chosen because of it's meaning, which is displayed in our trailer title, independent variable. An independent variable is a thing or object that is changed or manipulated over time. We chose this because it relates to our soap because over time the characters will change or be changed by things such as surroundings, life events ect.
The font gives the sense of drama and the unknown. Because it is a continuous line, it moves to form the title so it shows the audience that the soap has continuity and will not skip a story from one day to another. It also shows the soap itself will be long and continuous.
2. Setting (of trailer): Alleyway/Park
The picture I have chosen is the alleyway in which the character is found during our trailer. I chose this because it is the finale to our trailer and what the audience will most remember. Death and other big events are very popular with soaps, and I believe that these kind of storylines are what keep and audience attracted to a soap.
3. Props: Make-up
I chose to use make-up for my props picture because all characters require make-up at all times. It can be used from just touching up someones face to creating the look of someone being ill, cold, upset and more.
4. Editing: Final Cut Pro
This frame shows a print screen of Final Cut Pro, the programme we used to edit. In this particular screen we were editing our interviews. There was various parts we had to cut out due to loss of concentration or long periods of silence. We also made an out-takes video from this footage so we were able to make two videos from one tape of film.
5. Font/Style: iWeb
This frame was taken from our work on iWeb. We were able to experiment with this programme to find fonts and styles for our trailer and website. The same font is used on all the pages of the website, but the font used for the title is different.
6. Storyline: Dead Body
I used this picture of the dead character because it is a big storyline which opens up our soap. It is the part of the trailer I feel would grab the audiences attention most. The character is found in an alley way in her coat, gloves and scarf, just dumped in a ditch.
7. Genre: Drama Soap
I feel that soaps vary in genres because the storyline change every week. For my picture I have shown a picture of the group of girls who are all friends and the other character, who appears an outsider to the group and the audience. The genre for this picture is mystery, which turns into drama and a thriller. Our website and trailer explain how this works.
8. Characters/Introduction: Girl group already established
This picture shows the first "girly group" introduced in the soap. This sends out the stereotype of what the other all girl groups should look and act like. They like material things, like the flashy car behind them, and they do not associate with 'outsiders', hence the emptiness behind them. They all expected to match with fashion, style and hobbies.
9. Soundtrack: LGFL
For this frame i print screened the website we got our music from; London Grid For Learning. We were given this site on a list of places to obtain music without breaking copyright laws. When our music was chosen and added, it was edited around the scenes so that certain parts fitted in with the movements and surroundings of the filming.
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